Infinity film library

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One minute Infinity history

This is a short preview of Infinity’s history. The footage was filmed during some of Infinity’s many voyages to all continents between 2014 and 2022 with the support of Splendid Entertainment, Thomas Lien and Infinity Productions.

Journey through the Icebergs

Documentary film maker Dave Malkoff meets the Infinity family on our journey through the icebergs of the Northwest Passage and is captivated by the EarthFlag mission. Along the way, you will meet Native Americans and international scientists coming together at the top of the planet to better understand global climate change.

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The Plutonium Dome

In the middle of the pacific ocean, the Infinity crew stumble upon the Runit Dome and one of the most dangerous islands on earth. Enewetak Atoll, the birthplace of the hydrogen bomb and the Anthropocene, this tiny atoll absorbed the nuclear equivalent of 1.5 Hiroshima bombs a day for 12 years. That legacy waits near the beach, in a giant unguarded crumbling concrete dome.

Message in a bottle Season 2

A documentary series for children, in 13 episodes, filmed in the South Pacific. Six children between the age of three to nine sail with Infinity from Papua New Guinea, trough the Solomon Islands, to Vanuatu. created by Thomas Lien for NRK.

Find Infinity in S01 E07 and all 13 episodes of S02 directly on Youtube.

Sea Gypsies: The Far Side of the World

Infinity is a hand-built gypsy boat, crewed by a band of miscreants. The journey, an 8,000 mile Pacific crossing from New Zealand to Patagonia, with a stop in Antarctica. Unlike all the other boats headed south, Infinity is no ice-reinforced yacht crewed by professional sailors, Infinity lives in the moment and sails on a whim, without permission or insurance. – Created by Nico Edwards, who to this day exploits our story via his Sea Gypsies channel.

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