We are a multifaceted community with children sailing the world on our 120ft ferro-cement Ketch Infinity. Our quest is to find closeness, freedom and adventure, while making a positive contribution to our planet.

The intimate environment on board and the demands of keeping people, projects, ship and journey in flow are a monumental challenge and require a high level of resilience to chaos.

Our Community

We sail with the EarthFlag

In an attempt to rouse the crew of spaceship Earth to alter course away from extinction, we raise the EarthFlag in etherial places as kairos for a new direction. 

  • 2018 – ‘North’ on Artic sea ice for Peace Day
  • 2022 – ‘South’ in Antarctica for Earth Day
  • 2025 – ‘West’ in the Amazonas (in motion)
  • 2027 – ‘East’ in the Pacific Ocean

Mission Earth

Reality TV uncovered

Any fan of reality TV knows that sometimes there is even more drama behind the scenes than on camera. During our expeditions, we face real dangers, sleep deprivation and a lot of work, while being stuck on a boat with a gaggle of people and their issues. Constant surveillance in a high-stress environment is humiliating and can have lasting psychological effects.

Infinity and her crew

Infinity is a very capable ship with lots of character and plenty of faults; the same is true about her crew.